
Research Papers...

So, I've been working on a ten page research paper for my Mass Communications class. This paper is over the progression of American horror films. So, It isn't too hard for me, but I just finished up making all of my points and I still have about three pages to fill. So, now I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs and asking myself "What now?" I could, of course, just fill the pages with nonsensical points and ramble until I hit that ten page mark--but this is college, and I want to make it a point to do my best on everything. So, I have one of two choices. I can either Start restating points, or I can start writing about The After Dark Horror Fest, and film festivals like it. That is probably my most likely choice, but I'm almost positive that isn't going to fill three pages.

Again, back to square one. So far I've been over the beginnings of horror in the radio, The Hitchcock era, The slasher film explosion, the fall of the horror film, and modern horror. There's still underground horror, monster films, and disaster films to explore...

Oh, Hey, I just solved my own problems.

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Why, I thank you very much for this! I cannot withold my excitment! My face feels joy!